
Summary: Read and control things connected to the Pi's GPIO pins.


This will only work on the Raspberry Pi so it's doesn't make much sense to install on it's own.

However, you can run:

git clone <this repo>
cd <this repo>
JOBS=max npm install --production


The service uses a config file to know which components are connected to which pins.


To configure the attached components, edit the file config/physical-config.json. The file's structured:

    "<component-type>": [
            "id": "<component-id>",
            "config": {
                "<component-specific-config>": "something"

There are example configs in the config directory to use as a basis.


Listen to a component


For example, a button with id "power" will emit the following when pressed:


Command a component


For example, change an "ledrgb" called "power" colour to green:

Topic: physical/command/ledrgb-power-colour
Payload: { isOn: true, color: [0, 255, 0]}

Available components, events and commands


Type: button


event-name: press
Payload: { pressed: true }

event-name: hold
Payload: { pressed: true, durationMs: 3000 }

event-name: release
Payload: { pressed: false }

Red/Green/Blue LED

Type: ledrgb


command-name: change
Payload: { isOn: true, color: [255, 255, 255 ]}

isOn turns the LED on/off

color can be an array of [r,g,b] or a CSS colour string e.g. '#ff0000'

command-name: status

Emits an event with name status containing the state of the LED.

{ color: rgbColor, isOn: boolean }

Color values can be:

Rotary Encoder

Type: encoder


event-name: turn
Payload: { value: number }

An ever-increasing or decreasing number. Positive numbers indicate clockwise, negative indicate anticlockwise. These do not correspond to a full-rotation of the encoder.

64x64 LED Matrix

Type: ledmatrix

command-name: draw
Payload: { data: See below }

data can be:


Capacitive touch sensor

Type: capacitive

command-name: reset-request
Resets the capacitive touch board, recalibrating the sensors.

command-name: status-request
Emits an event about the current sensitivity.

command-name: sensitivity
Payload: { sensitivity: number }
Sets the sensitivity of the capacitive touch sensor, the level at which it registers a touch.


event-name: reset
Emitted when the capacitive touch board is reset.

event-name: change
Payload: { changes: changes, touches: currentTouches }

Emitted when the state of the touched pins changes.

changes is an array of { id, touched } objects. id is the pin number. touched is a boolean indicating if the pin is touched. changes only contains the pins that have changed state.

touches is an array of boolean values for each pin.

Example change event when sensor id 2 has been touched:

    changes: [{ id: 2, touchd: true }],
    touches: [false, false, true, false, true, false, false, false]


The service is a wrapper around the following libraries: