Websocket Library

Summary: This Isomorphic JS library allows for standardised communication between all parts of the Neue Architecture. It supports multiple topic subscription and reconnected automatically on disconnect.


Apps (ES modules)

Import this from any of your JS modules:

import createWebsocket from '/websocket/module.js';

You may name createWebsocket whatever you want.

Apps (script tag)

Add this to your index.html:

<script src="/websocket" />

The createWebsocket function is available globally.


Add this to your package.json:

"dependencies": {
  "websocket": "../../shared/websocket"

The createWebsocket function is available as:

const createWebsocket = require('websocket');



To create a new websocket instance:

const ws = createWebsocket();

By default the WebSocket will connect to the server as created by the Manager
Service. You can specify an alternative URL:

const ws = createWebsocket({ url: 'ws://example.com:8080' );

More debugging information is available, too:

const ws = createWebsocket({ debug: true });


A promise that emits when the WebSocket is connected to the server:

ws.ready.then(() => console.log('Ready to go!'));


Please see the WebSocket Documentation for
specification standards for publishing topics and data.

  topic: 'downloader/event/available',
  payload: { url: 'file.webm' }


Subscription to a single topic

ws.subscribe('downloader/event/available', ({ topic, payload }) => {
  // do something with payload object

Subscription to multiple topics

ws.subscribe(new RegExp('downloader/event/.*'), ({ topic, payload }) => {
  // will run for every topic of type downloader/event


UnSubscriptions are all-or-nothing: if you have a wildcard subscription, you can
only unsubscribe from the entire wildcard.
